Monday, December 05, 2011

Post the Sixth: Sexy Cat Sweaters

It's that time of year when we break out our lights and trees and nog of eggs in celebration of what some people call Christmas and others dub the more PC term "Holidays". Over the past few years a yuletide tradition that is very dear to my heart has been spreading like wildfire, particularly in the indie/hipster scene. It is the Ugly Sweater Party.

The Ugly Sweater Party is just what it sounds like: a party at which everyone wears ugly sweaters. Some party-goers make a competition out of the event by trying to find a sweater that will out-ugly all of the sweaters in attendance; not an easy feat.

How do you decide what it is exactly that makes a sweater the ugliest of sweaters? Is it the tacky colour combinations? Is it the overuse of sequins? Perhaps it is the bizarre pairings of images on the sweater? Recently a friend of mine recalled a sweater that featured the Virgin Mary and Mrs. Claus baking cookies together, which is, of course, the true meaning of Christmas.

My favourite variety of "Ugly" Sweater is the Cat-Lady Sweater. I put 'ugly' in quotations because the extremes that Cat-Lady Sweaters reach are more than that. Some Cat-Lady Sweaters are so mind-blowingly ornate in their depictions of our feline friends that they can only be described with this word: SEXY.

I Google Image searched "sexy cat sweater" and would like to share with you my top picks from the results. Happy Holimas!

Now, just in case those weren't enough for you, here are a few HONOURABLE MENTIONS (these sweaters do not have any cats on them, but they are still very special):


  1. We are really produce and sell a good quality sexy-sweaters / FUSION_store /.
    Другими словами, мы официально заявляем что мы первые в Украине кто качественно воплотил в реальность идею миллионов шмоточников запада - SEXY SWEATERS. Теперь вы можете заказать нужный Вам свитшот с доставкой по Украине и СНГ и сами сможете убедиться что это лучшая реализация идеи этой идеи.
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  2. Aww thanks for the back link. Do any of these awesome sweaters exist?>

    @PixelHazard | Bright Green Laces |


Thank you for gifting your comment to the odd one's blog. I hope it is not profane. If it is it might not stay here long.